Ideas for a January workspace refresh
Feeling the itch to refresh your workspace? We've put together some ideas to bring some lively New Year energy to your home or office workspace with our ceramics. Personalise a dull desk or communal kitchen and be the envy of the office!

Mugs and matching Coasters: For a sense of order and sophistication, what's better than a beautifully crafted ceramic Mug and a matching Coaster! Our Cat and Dog designs are the most well-loved. However, our Moth, Toadstool and Peacock designs are all lovely and come with matching coaster sets too. For a very sophisticated mug design, check out our brand-new Black Clay mugs. They're quite a departure from Hannah's usual style, and they've proved themselves popular! Slightly larger than our other mugs, they're perfect for a bottomless coffee rotation throughout the day.

Planters: One of our favourite books is The Well Gardened Mind by Sue Stuart Smith. There's a particular passage that stuck with us about how having a lack of greenery around us can actually increase our stress response. Biologically, we feel more at ease when we can see things that are organic and living because it reminds our primitive brains that there is nature that can sustain us. Offices can be very sterile and unfamiliar to our brains and so we think a great idea to calm your primitive brain is to bring in some plants to your desk space! Our Elephant, Wild Boar and Hedgehog Planters are a good solution for this and they also make wonderful little companions to keep you going through the workday. We recommend succulents or hardy plants like a spider plant.

Money Boxes: Another great bit of desk decoration is a Money Box! We've got a lovely range of different animal designs for many tastes. Create an office provisions fund with everyone's loose change!

Kitchen revamp essentials: Got a shared kitchen space in your office? Our Tea Towels, Kitchen Storage Jars, Sugar Bowls and Spoons will make any coffee counter brighter and more organised. Don't forget we've now added a brand new Dog Storage Jar to our Barklife range. Perfect for the communal biscuit stash, coffee or tea!

So, if you're looking for a bit of change in your work environment this January and objects to make you and others smile throughout the day, why not implement some of these ideas so that you can feel a bit more excited about getting to work (or just to your home desk).
Happy New Year!
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